“Privacy by design” has been part of the privacy practitioners’ vernacular for well over a decade, but for many the phrase remains vague. In this talk, the author of the IAPP CIPT textbook, Strategic Privacy by Design, will walk through the development of a hypothetical smart thermostat following the recently released Design Process Standard from the Institute of Operational Privacy Design. For many participants this will open up a new avenue of thinking about privacy beyond the laws, principles and programmatic elements they are most familiar with and provide a level of concreteness to the concept beyond the broad to “build privacy in.”
Jason Cronk, FIP, CIPP/US, CIPT, CIPM President, Institute of Operational Privacy Design Section Leader, IAPP Privacy Engineering Section, Principal; Consultant, Enterprivacy Consulting Group Privacy Engineer, Attorney; Author, Strategic Privacy by Design.
Registration: 5:30 – 6 p.m. CDT
Presentation: 6 – 7 p.m. CDT
Thank you to our local KnowledgeNet Chapter Chairs:
Harry Phillips, CIPP/US, Student, Tulane University Law School
Todd Slack, CIPP/E, CIPP/US, CIPM, FIP, Sr. Director, Privacy and DPO, BlackBerry
Special thank you to Young Privacy Professional volunteer, Mary Kleinpeter, CIPP/US, for helping to support the chapter.
Register at https://iapp.org/store/knowledgenets/a0l1P00000ErN2hQAF/