Privacy Notice
The Institute of Operational Privacy Design, Inc. is a not for profit company organized in Florida, USA dedicated to the promotion and adoption of privacy design standards of practices for organizations.

Who we are
The Institute of Operational Privacy Design, Inc. is a not for profit company organized in Florida, USA dedicated to the promotion and adoption of privacy design standards of practices for organizations. We’ve made efforts to reduce the amount of data we collect and other unnecessary intrusions into the privacy of visitors.
Third Parties
When you navigate to a page with a contact form, your browser makes a connecting to hCaptcha. We use hCaptcha to prevent spammers from spamming our contact forms.
Our website does not set cookies unless you login or attempt to log into an account. Members, Ambassadors and Administrators of our website we see a cookie set on their devices through WordPress, the content management system we use to host this website.
Data we collected and how we use it
We only collect your data if you contact us using one of the forms or via email. Any data you submit to our forms will be sent to us via email and used to respond to your inquiry. We only keep your correspondence long enough to respond to your inquiry. We may keep it longer if necessary, such as for members, ambassadors or corporate sponsors.
For ambassadors who wish to be listed on the website, we collect information, with your consent, including your name, photo, social medial profiles, job title and affiliation. Ambassadors may also post comments on blog posts via the website, which will display your name, date and time of your post and your comment. Comments are moderated.
What rights you have over your data
If you wish to receive a copy of your data, have your information on the website updated or deleted or have it deleted, please contact us.
March 21, 2022