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Purpose and Means CIPP/US Live Training – Oct 1-4


U.S. privacy is a complicated amalgam of federal, state and local privacy regulations. IAPP U.S. Private-Sector Privacy Training, the principle course for the ANSI/ISO-accredited CIPP/US certification program, gives privacy professionals the knowledge to manage compliance within this legal web and minimize the risks of regulatory fines and brand damage.


Design Assurance Standard Public Launch Webinar

The Design Process Standard (Process Standard) was adopted in January 2023 with this Design Assurance Standard (Assurance Standard) following two years later. While the Process Standard details the components necessary […]


Our Elementor Webforms are currently experiencing a sending issue we are working hard to remedy. Webforms on this website may display a “submission successful” message without actually sending the form. If the form has been successfully sent, you will receive a copy. If you do not receive a copy of the submitted form within 24 hours, contact us directly at